6 Quick Tips for Improving Your Focus

Flickr CC via tychay

No matter how well organized you think you are—you’re going to get distracted. Life is very complicated. You have constant demands on your time and attention. In order to finish our tasks at work—and be an active participant in your personal life—need to be able to maintain focus.

At work there are emails, text messages, phone calls, and colleagues who stop at our desks for informal check-ins. At home you have chores to do, hobbies to enjoy, and relationships to nurture. You’re focusing on achieving a work life balance. However, sometimes staying focused seems nearly impossible. But it’s not.

It’s possible to improve your focus at work and at home. All you need is a little discipline, a few new habits, and some useful tips. Review the list below and try them out. Remember to share you search for better focus with your team at work, your friends, and family. Finding focus is good for everyone.

Plan Your Day: It’s such an obvious suggestion we often overlook it. Make a plan for you day. List of your tasks at work and home. Rank them for importance from 1 to 4. What doesn’t get done today goes to the top of the list for tomorrow.

Organize Your Email: Don’t let email folders fill up to overflowing. It’s distracting because you worry about unfinished tasks. Set a time everyday to go through your inbox. Resolve each message before moving on. Unsubscribe from anything not directly related to assignments and goals.

Quiet Works Best: Focus works better without distractions. Let your team know that you’re trying to improve your focus and reduce distractions. Get some headphone and listen to inspirational music. If your team suffers from too much noise ask your supervisor if there is a way to quiet the environment.

Time Your Tasks: You’ll be amazed at what you’re able to get done in managed bursts of time. Ignore your email, instant messages, and phone for 20 minutes. Then check your messages and respond for 10 minutes. Then dive back in for another 20-minute sprint. You’ll be amazed at how much more you accomplish each day.

No Facebook at Work: Social media steals focus and time faster than you can know. You’re only allowed to use social media at work if it’s part of your job. Otherwise it’s a waste of time—and time theft from your company.

Eat, Drink, and Focus on Health: Take care of yourself throughout the day. Drink lots of water. Have healthy snacks near your desk. Take short breaks to stretch. Go for a walk at lunch or schedule a regular exercise plan before or after work. You’ll focus better when you’re well rested, well fed, and in good physical condition.

KMG Consultants August 2015 Newsletter

KMG Consultants in Nashville, TN!

Summer is beginning to wrap up! There’s been a ton of amazing things happening at KMG Consultants recently. From promotions to business conferences,  it’s been tough to just keep up! Check out our monthly newsletter for more info about what we’ve been up to, including plans for the future!

KMG Consultants sends out a newsletter every month that includes upcoming events, recent promotions, and a recap of what happened the month before. to keep up with what we have going on, keep your eyes out for our latest newsletter!

For additional information about KMG Consultants, be sure to follow us on Twitter and checking us out on CrunchBase!

View the KMG Consultants August 2015 Newsletter by clicking here!